Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another governer bites the dust

Blagojevich, Blagojevich, Blagojevich...

I remember i guess it was around 5 years ago, you ran your campaign pledging to stop gubernatorial corruption in illinois.

I was actually pretty confused when i found out what he got arrested for. Selling Obama's senate seat, hmm I thought that's how all politicians played the game, you scratch my back, I scratch yours? You donate to campaign, when I get elected I'll find you some schweet board to be on where you get paaaaid for doing absolutely nothing.

Is he in trouble because he foolishly stated the obvious out loud? In the scheme of things, it's not so bad is it? It's not like he put 40 tons metal barreling down a highway at 95+ mph into the hands of the untrained, threatening the lives of our minivans and loved ones.

Well actually who knows how deep this corruption hole goes?

3 out of 6 illinois' governers convicted of political misdeeds. eek. will it soon be 4 out of 7?


I think people need to stop being surprised, all politicians are in it to win it...i.e. they want a lil' something something for themselves.

when the power of love
replaces of the love of power
man will have a new name, god.

here's another good one from that poet

Yesterday I was clever.
That is why I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise.
That is why I am changing myself

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