Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Everyone's doing it.

Obama is president and Lost season 5 premieres tonight. I could not be any happier. It's been awhile since I've blogged, nothing super interesting has happened well a few things like I met this dude. It was one pretty crazy night.

As you can surmise, from the link he was extremely creepy. When I met him though I hadn't been aware about all that...

Claire and I ascended the stairs, looking for a bathroom so I could change into my bathing suit. We came across a small room with a homely stocky fellow sitting cross legged on a bed, as though he was waiting for something or someone. I looked over his shoulder as he acknowledged us, on his computer screen played the orgy scene from 'Eyes Wide Shut'. Before I could ask about the video, he directed our attention to the bowl of Scooper Tostitos (sans salsa or any dipping medium for that matter) placed neatly before him, as some type of offering. His name was Jon. Jon, motioned to the corner of his room to a small bar setup with an insubstantial amount of hard liquor, implored us to help ourselves to a drink. Claire and I clutched the cups we currently held and politely declined. Claire suddenly realized she had seen this guy before, 'You're Tim the Beaver from that fetish house' she exclaimed, 'He was looking for 'kink friendly' roommates on Craigslist', she said as she turned to me.

Jon offered us his 'card', then started to talk about freedom and exploring sexuality in comfort. Due to a combination of my copious alcohol consumption and general disinterest; my mind wandered, snapped back only when I heard him refer to Claire as 'easily confused'. I asked if he had just called my friend stupid, where Jon retorted, 'No, I said she was easily confused'. Jon obviously didn't see the parallels in those two statements. For someone who needs to fix a dating site in order to find girls to stalk, he had a rather insulting nature. Not to mention, he knew nothing about picking up girls, because he perched precariously at the top of stairs, at a party for queer women, hoping that some poor little lesbian would get lost, so he could swoop in and seduce her with salted snacks and sexiest three minutes and 42 seconds of 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Well, I guess I should also mention I went to a Queer Women's party. I had a lot of fun, in the air was an awkwardness that was easily ignorable. I wasn't concerned with impressing anyone or looking cute, it felt fine to just have a good time, dance, and drink my liver retarded. I also noticed A LOT of the lezbotz looked alike.

The average height in the room was around 5'4", looking down I saw different colored versions of the same lezbot chop. This was not conformity however, as many of the women had at least one facial piercing, proving her legitimacy as member of counter culture. Most wore simple fitted t-shirts with jeans, not the usual "shiny top and 'just wider than a belt' skirt" party uniform worn by a heterosexual females to become sexual prey. Underneath the modest dressing most had slender, tight, muscular bodies, much like a gymnasts, there was no doubt, just like heterosexual counterparts their body image was an important, everyone was in shape.

One notable exception was the bouncer who was a big burly dyke with facial hair and a no nonsense demeanor. She looked as if she was made out of 4 to 5 of the smaller lezbots. Roosted on a stool in the middle of the kitchen, scowling defiantly, as she sat a full head and shoulders above the lezbian party goers she was there to protect, the bulldyke was more fire hazard than security measure.

I soon had to leave the lesbian party, I had a prior engagement, Dalis was having a birfday party and simply just had to attend. It was a lot of fun, everyone was really, really drunk.

All in all interesting evening.


Unknown said...


Claire said...

Lol nice write up

I forgot about Jonmon's failed attempt to neg me %_%

Even all the gays we went with were totally weirded out by the scene there and what was going on. So, I don't really know what to make of it. There must be something in the pipes in that house

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